Tag Archive: hate speech

Dr. Laura Schlessinger used the n-word 11 times on her radio show when taking a call from a Black woman in an interracial marriage. (Full audio here. *trigger warning*)

Unsurprisingly, controversy explodes. Schlessinger bows to pressure and decides to discontinue her show at the end of the year. Of course, she couldn’t leave without one last display of her pathetic persecution complex: “I’m done trying to help people in a situation where my First Amendment rights don’t exist, where special interest groups and activists can make a decision to silence you. It’s not American, it’s not fair play.”

But worry not, Laura! Sarah stepped in to save the day (if you can understand her tweets):

RT @SarahPalinUSA: Dr.Laura:don’t retreat…reload! (Steps aside bc her 1st Amend.rights ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence”isn’t American,not fair”)

RT @SarahPalinUSA: Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists. And b thankful 4 her voice,America!

Laura Schlessinger has the right to say the n-word as many times as she damn well pleases in whatever context with whatever intent she’d like, but she does not have the right to a radio show. She exercised her free speech, and in return those “special interest groups and activists” exercised their free speech by protesting against and organizing a response to her remarks. When the dust settled, it turned out that there there is no longer tolerance for Schlessinger’s brand of bigotry…except from Palin and her ilk.

Much as they don’t understand the Second Amendment and couldn’t explain the function of a prefatory clause to save their guns, straight/white/conservative Christians clearly also have a poor grasp of the First Amendment, railing that the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Act will infringe on their right to say, GOD HATES FAGS (oh, wait—they don’t generally phrase it like that, because they’re not like those Westboro loonies and truly want to share Christ’s love with the sodomizing faggots); the Employment Non-Discrimination Act will force schools to hire transvestite pedophiles; and gender-neutral marriage laws will force their churches to wed a bi man, a genderqueer dyke, and their pit bull in a most unholy union.

And now they confirm for us yet again that they believe that all their speech is free and all our speech is hate and how DARE we silence them?!

Backwards, much?

Welcome to Real America.

Ignorance Is Still Their Best Friend

The NAACP voted on July 13th “to condemn extremist elements within the Tea Party, calling on Tea Party leaders to repudiate those in their ranks who use racist language in their signs and speeches.” Which is to say, they stated the obvious about America’s hot/new/overblown political movement.

JK! Nothing is obvious to these Founding Father-lovin’ patriots except Obama’s rampant Fascist Nazi Communism™, as future-nobody Sarah Palin was only too glad to demonstrate in her latest Facebook missive.

While most of the post is just the standard vomit-inducing drivel embracing such delightful garbage as “post-racial America,” and was replete with the expected worshiping of the ever-tolerant, fag-murdering Ronald Reagan, I must say I had to reserve a special snort of (near-)disbelief when I came across this gem: “To be unjustly accused of association with what Reagan so aptly called that ‘legacy of evil’ is a traumatizing experience, and one of which the honest, freedom-loving patriots of the Tea Party movement are truly undeserving.”


You know you’re privileged when you consider having your oppression of others pointed out to be “traumatizing.”

Ms. Palin, I think I have a few million current victims of the Prison-Industrial Complex who’d like a word with you…for starters.

Anyhow, all this hubbub made me think of my favorite song of the moment, Paramore’s “Ignorance”:

Perhaps it’s time for some COCs (children of conservatives) to step forward and start to sing, because

The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won’t get you anywhere
I’m not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself

Onward to November!