Tag Archive: American Idol

Alright, I guess I’ve taken a little too much time off (my bad — big time), but I just couldn’t let these awards shows escape coverage — especially ones just beginning. This post and the next one contain some older news, but important news nonetheless.

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This question is brought up because lately many reality shows have been made that have absolutely no point to them and focus more on the people being idiots and doing outrageous actions that grant them their fifteen minutes of fame. These shows were not always like this and many were actually showcasing people that had talent and deserved to gain fame based on their activity.

One of the most popular shows was “American Idol”, which went all over the United States searching for people who can sing. The judges then would narrow the field down to twelve people and every week they would sing a song get judged and then America would vote for their favorite performance. Then the next night the person with the lowest votes would be kicked off and the show would continue. Continue reading